26 Seriously Useful Baking Tips You'll Wish You Knew About Sooner
To help make your bakes the absolute best.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community for their best baking tip that everyone should know. Here are some of their suggestions.
1. Invest in a silicone baking mat.

2. Take your cookies out when just the edges have hardened.

4. Coat things like fruit and chocolate chips in flour before adding them to your mix.

5. Use an ice cream scoop to portion your muffins and cupcakes.

6. Swap vanilla extract for vanilla bean paste.

7. Spoon flour into your measuring cup instead of scooping it.

8. But it's a good idea to look for recipes measured in grams or pounds instead of cups.

9. Don't be afraid of using salt.

10. If you need to used chilled butter, grate it and freeze it for about an hour beforehand.

11. Always let your cakes cool before attempting to ice them.

12. Small things, like sifting your flour, make a big difference.

13. Check the expiration date on your bicarbonate of soda.

14. Know that a lot of the time, you shoudn't over-mix things.

15. But if you're creaming butter and sugar, make sure it's thoroughly blended.

16. Keep cookies fresh by putting a slice of bread in the airtight container with them.

17. Bang your cake pans on the counter a few times before putting them in the oven.

18. Add some instant coffee to your chocolate brownies.

19. Test your cakes with a toothpick to check if they're done.

20. Chill your cookie dough.

21. Make sure your ingredients are the temperature the recipe specifies.

22. Add a drop of liquified coconut oil to help to thin melting chocolate.

23. Use the same weight of eggs, flour, sugar, and butter for a perfect sponge cake.

24. Freeze your sugar cookies and pie crust pieces for 15 minutes before putting them in the oven.

25. If you can't find anywhere for your dough to rise, pop it in a preheated oven on a low temperature for a bit (but make sure to turn the oven off before putting the dough in).

26. Put your beaters and bowl in the fridge before you make whipped cream.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.